Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Waiting for our flight to Finland

Jean and I are sitting at Heathrow Airport, Terminal 3.  We'll board a Finnair flight soon bound for Helsinki.  Sophie, Harvey, Jess and Sam are at Terminal 4, waiting to board a Royal Brunei flight to Australia.  Their holiday is now over, while ours is set to continue for a while, including a brief visit to Finland, more of Wales, Miami and a cruise of the Caribbean.  In late March, we'll finish off with a couple of nights in Brunei.

Yesterday, our kids' last full day with their grandparents included a delicious home-cooked meal by Mag, farewell photos taken outside Mag and Tom's home, and some last goodbyes - well, hopefully not the last - with cherished friends.  Jean and I also spent a short time walking around Aber and having a coffee in a cafe called 'Sophie's'.

Today, we left Bow Street at 7.20 am.  Mag and Tom even rose early to wave us off.  We made it to Heathrow after midday, and dropped the kids off at Terminal 4.  We won't see them now for another six weeks.

And so now we wait for our flight to Helsinki.  Finland will be the 48th country I've ever visited.

All of us having a photo shoot outside Mag and Tom's house in Bow Street, near Aberystwyth.
We packed the car in the dark, and got away by 7.20 am.

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